Drug addiction treatment begins with a person admitting that they have a drug misuse issue and need assistance conquering it. Following that first obstacle is deciding where to get therapy and what form of treatment would give you the greatest chance of recovery. Anyone seeking drug addiction treatment near Katy, TX, could be wondering what options they have at hand. 

At Skyward Treatment Center, we have several types of drug addiction treatment programs: but the main ones include intense outpatient and inpatient rehab. The location of our rehab offers a perfect setting for recuperation. So, do you need drug addiction treatment near Katy, TX? Engage our admissions experts to learn more about our drug addiction treatment programs and how they can help you or someone you love. 

This guide includes some of the signs of drug addiction, available treatment programs, costs, etc. Read through for more information!

What Is Drug Addiction? What Causes It?

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing condition defined by obsessive drug seeking, continuing use despite negative effects, and long-term brain alterations. It often includes substances like alcohol, drugs, or gambling. Addiction results from a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological variables. Addiction may be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition, exposure to addictive drugs or behaviours, stress, trauma, and underlying mental health disorders. Changes in brain chemistry, especially in the reward and pleasure centers, exacerbate addictive behaviour, making it difficult to quit without proper therapy and support. 

So, how can you know that someone has a drug addiction? Below are the signs.

Signs of Drug Addiction

Physical Signs of Drug Addiction 

If a person abuses drugs or alcohol, they may develop a variety of physical symptoms. Some of these signs may be obvious, while others are more subtle or appear gradually. They often include:

  • Weight changes
  • Irregular sleeping patterns
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Tiredness
  • Frequent runny nose
  • Loss of coordination
  • Seizures or tremors
  • Watery or bloodshot eyes
  • Chemical odour on clothes or breath
  • Pinpoint pupils 

Behavioural Signs of Drug Addiction 

A person who abuses drugs or alcohol may also exhibit unusual behaviour. Addiction can manifest in a variety of ways, including:

  • Dishonesty
  • Secretive behaviour
  • Self-isolation
  • Poor work or school performance
  • Self-isolation
  • Financial issues
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Shifts in social circle
  • Legal issues

Psychological Signs of Drug Addiction 

When someone abuses drugs or alcohol, they may seem and behave in unusual ways. They may also be thinking and feeling differently than they usually do. Drug misuse may manifest as changes in a person’s mental processes, attitudes, beliefs, and priorities. The common psychological signs include:

  • Mental illness
  • Personality changes
  • Negative self-image
  • Feelings of apathy or disinterest

One thing anyone seeking drug addiction treatment near Katy, TX could be wondering is the available treatment options available at our rehab. Worry no more!

Available Drug Addiction Treatment Options at Skyward Treatment Center

Treatment options vary and should be tailored to individual requirements and conditions. The most successful treatment programs guarantee that people in recovery are actively involved in every step of the journey. 

Below are some of the addiction treatment programs available at our facility:

  • Detoxification 

Supervised medical detoxification allows patients to safely withdraw from drugs until they are no longer in their system. It is often the initial step in treating those suffering from moderate to severe drug use disorders and addiction. In certain circumstances, detoxing from particular drugs necessitates medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and avoid life-threatening medical issues. 

  • Inpatient Rehab 

Inpatient treatment programs, commonly known as residential treatment, are organized programs meant to address all aspects of an individual’s addiction. During inpatient treatment, patients live in a drug-free environment and receive 24-hour medical care and therapeutic assistance. This option is mostly recommended for individuals with long-term drug use problems, as well as those with co-occurring mental or behavioural illnesses.

  • Outpatient Rehab 

Outpatient treatment programs are another kind of comprehensive substance-use disorder treatment. These programs offer many of the same successful therapies and treatments as inpatient programs. However, outpatient therapy allows patients to stay at home while recovering. Patients are able to continue working and caring for their families while undergoing weekly planned therapy sessions. 

It is crucial to note that outpatient programs do not isolate patients from the outside world; consequently, patients are more likely to meet triggers that might lead to relapse behaviours, particularly in early recovery. As a result, outpatient rehabs are best suited for those with mild to moderate drug use problems who are devoted to their recovery. Outpatient programs are also an effective “step-down” option following inpatient treatment, and they are often paired with sober living facilities. 

  • Sober Living Homes and Halfway Houses 

Sober living homes or halfway houses serve as a residential bridge between an inpatient treatment facility and the return to normal life. These are excellent alternatives for those in recovery who want more time to reinforce what they learned throughout therapy. Sober living homes assist persons in recovery in strengthening their new healthy habits while remaining in the convenience of a structured atmosphere with others who are also in recovery. 

The Cost of Addiction Treatment in Texas. 

The cost of addiction treatment in Texas varies depending on a number of criteria, including the kind of rehab (luxury or modern), the type of addiction treatment program (inpatient or outpatient), and so on. However, most rehabs accept insurance, which might provide some help. Contact an addiction treatment center for exact pricing information. 

Skyward Treatment Center is The Most Ideal Option for Anyone Seeking Drug Addiction Treatment Near Katy, TX.

Do you need drug addiction treatment near Katy, TX, contact Skyward Treatment Center today. We are professionals in treating drug use problems, and each patient’s treatment approach is tailored to their specific needs. We have a staff of certified and experienced addiction experts, so you can be certain that you are in good hands. Furthermore, we accept various insurance types and our treatment is pet-friendly. Please contact us immediately for further information.